Wednesday, 19 March 2014

MH370 Toolkit B

Downloadable here . (Zip of shapefiles)

This toolkit contains:

VasquezSouthPoint.shp -

Points (including Position, Wind, & Time) from Tim Vasquez's "Investigation of a possible southern arc contrail", found here .

VasquezSouthLine.shp -

Polyline connecting the above points

RunwayOver5000.shp -

Runways over 5000 feet within the "fuel limit", original (open data) source is here.

NavAids.shp -

Same as above, but navigational aids


I've included a couple other shapefiles of runways, etc. if you think the fuel limit or runway minimum length is too small. The Vasquez files were done as a request... feel free to request anything you want.

If you're new to this QGIS is a good place to start.

I'm so busy and this Australian lead might be true but when I have time I'll run an analysis on the last arc, waypoints, and 777 speed... people are drawing straight lines but I think it's at least as plausible that waypoints were selected for the autopilot, that's why I'm collating this open data and putting it out there.

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